By joining our list, you will be kept up to date on latest specials and offers as well as eligible for Free Samples when you need them.  We will send you a Free Sample with your specific art (must include your logo) or a sample we have printed. An informational email from time to time will arrive that describes our products & services for you to increase your sales.

The Samples are Free with or without your specific art, you just cover the shipping either by credit card or on your shipping account
(we offer Fedex, UPS, or USPS for shipping).

If you would like to use your own artwork (must include your logo) or photo (must include your logo) on the samples you must fill out this for and submit it, Then go to the website and download the template for your samples and place your art in them. 

Then upload your sample order just like a normal order either through the New or Existing Customer Link.
New customer link  
Existing customer link

When you get to step 5 of the order form simple type "Samples" in the S&K Coupon / Discount Code Box that way we know it is a sample custom order.  Sales will contact you once we receive the sample order.

Thank You for Your Interest in Bo15, Inc./ is the Wholesale division of Bo15, Inc.
*A valid business license is required along with approval from your sales person to receive free samples.
* indicates required
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